Тимур Timbigfamily, Monsieur Zeraw- NOVEMBER SKY (Track Review)

Written by Grayson Jones

Today I tried to step out of my comfort zone. I had the opportunity to indulge in November Sky, a track by Tиmyp Timbigfamily and Monsieur Zeraw.  These two work in tandem to share a story that reminisces a bit. The song is partly in  Russian, partly in English, but not much is missed for those who do not speak both. As the song begins, the tone is set with a relatively calm serenade. However, the track takes a riveting turn. For me, the best part of November Sky was the instrumental contrast. 

There’s open, spacy atmospheres, pulsating house funk, as well as a more variated part. The mix keeps your head nodding and your feet moving. Aside from the lyrics, the song makes an impact with it’s contrast and multicultural perspectives. The verses were not just laid, they were crafted. In my opinion, the best verse is the bridge where Timbigfamily and Monsieur Zeraw trade bars before they reintroduce the slightly more enticing chorus one last time. The song structure alone can get this track added to your next playlist. Expand your horizons and experience this unique style of song. The better half of diverse music only a click away. Listen to November Sky out now!

Check it out:


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