Written by Imani Wj Wright
As easy-going as this piece is on the ears, don't be fooled, it's scandalous.
Right out of the gate, Aashika makes it very clear that her attention hasn't been on her current love interest, but her love interest's friend. "This is a crazy one. How do I tell someone, I don't really like you, I just like your homeboy a little more," Aashika sings. But I must say, her approach to the situation is so smooth, you really can't be mad at her. Her voice is so soothing, and she possesses a highly impressive control of her vocals. From the moderately set pitches, to the nearly falsetto notes.
The engineering of this piece is nothing short of professional, as her vocals lay well-nigh perfectly in the mix. 'leave me as i am' is not heavily laced with lyrical verses. Though, the repetition of the hook is definitley an earworm.
We here at SwanoDown are looking forward to seeing Aashika's growth as an artist!
Check it out
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