Presented by SwanoDown as Noteworthy, Respectable, and Impactful.
Bio #1: Dr. Eric Holmes.
Dr. Eric L. Holmes is a senior coordinator in the Otolaryngology department at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. His fervor to excel and push his abilities has led him to earn and impressive number of awards at Johns Hopkins: the Edward Halle Award, the Martin Luther King Award, the Radiology Customer Service Award for two years, and the Employee of the Year.
With a passion and dedication to further his education and help others through his teachings, Dr. Holmes has earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in biblical studies and theology, and master’s and doctorate in Christian education at North Carolina College of Theology. Holmes has also been featured in the Enoch Pratt Library Compass in the Writers Live and in edition his book is now available in the Enoch Pratt Libraries, the Baltimore County Libraries and Dauphin County Libraries in Pa.
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