Cat Reynolds- This Evening (Track Review)

Written by Parys Wyatt

The past year has been tough. For pretty much the majority of people who have been old enough to understand the past year’s events, it’s been extremely difficult to see the silver lining in all of this. None of us would have ever guessed that we would be in this particular situation, and now it feels like it may never change. With his song This Evening, Cat Reynolds, strives to remind us that this line of thinking is just not it. An upbeat ballad of encouragement, This Evening lets us know that while it’s completely valid to feel a little lost in the sauce right now, we will get out of this. Of course, things may end up being way different than what we are accustomed to, but different is not always synonymous with bad. 

If I’m going to be completely honest, the message behind this song could not have been paired with a better melody. The song as a whole just exudes light, but especially in the refrain. The harmony on top of the A1 instrumentation just puts you in a better space. While listening to this song, I found that it has both a calming and a gearin-up effect that I can’t really explain. For this to make sense, you’ll need to click the link below and listen for yourself. You’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. 

Check it out here:

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