Cindy Zhang- Finish Line (Track Review)

Written by Grayson Jones 

Cindy Zhang is responsible for the Finish Line - a rebellious burst of flavorful sound. Cindy lives in California and is a product of her environment. California reminds me of palm trees, bright sun, and happiness. I think of a place where it’s hard to somber for long periods of time. With this record, Cindy sings of a more passionate time in her life- a time where she was happier.

This track had my head stuck on this emotion. The composition's unique blend of dissonance and harmony makes me believe that Cindy puts an awful lot of time into her musical endeavors. For those of you who do not know about Cindy- Her vocals are as amazing as her instrumentation. She is a very proficient guitarist and it shows! If I had the opportunity to, I would have to ask her myself which part was recorded first? The Finish Line is a metaphor capable of being interpreted several ways. You can tell a lot about an artist by their songwriting- especially their views on common situations. A woman's independence is as important as a person’s freedom

Fights for injustice circle around the globe in 2020,  but how they are portrayed come in a million alternatives. For Zhang, the songwriting must be second nature by now, the performance speaks for itself. Finish Line  being such a small part of Zhang’s career means we have only got into the surface of what she will be capable of in the near future. Let her be, she has classics to make.

Take a listen:

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