Halim- Come by my side (Raw Version) [Track Review]

Written by Imani Wj Wright

Being able to develop/create art and then sharing it with the world is already a testament to a person's character. At the very least, it shows a willingness to be open to criticism and public opinion. It's a real statement on vulnerability and realism with one's self. Can you take the disappointment or heat of putting out a piece of material that the masses may or may not enjoy? That's something many people deal with, and it times it breaks people.

Now- when you take all of those factors and release a piece of music that's stripped down to its barebones, well at that point, you're a truly dauntless person. Halim did just that with his release of 'Come by my side- Raw Version'. 

Halim's soulful vocal approach, meshed with a coffee shop leveled acoustic guitar sets a soundstage equipped for the most passive or most intense of listeners. Just as the bliss in his cover art bleeds through the screen you're reading on, this musical experience is something that'll but you front and center with Halim's artistry. Put this on your speaker, turn it up to your preferred volume and close your eyes. It'll feel like he's singing to you. 

Check it out

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