Written by Chris Yangello
Music is something that never ceases to amaze both myself and the countless number of listeners spread out across the world. I’ve always loved exploring new genres and unconventional styles that never really fit my go-to narrative of hip-hop, rap, and EDM music. However, finding a new artist that speaks to you in an impactful way is no easy task. Each day, I spend at least 15 minutes looking for new artists to bring the spotlight upon, as the vast majority of hidden gems have yet to amass their deserved following.
Recently, I came across an artist by the name of Jackson Breit. At the very least, I wasn’t quite sure of what to expect from Jackson’s music. I started listening to the beginning of a few of his tracks before coming across “Straight Shooter”. After the first few seconds, I knew that Jackson wouldn’t be another artist that came and went in terms of my playback timeline. I listened to the entirety of “Straight Shooter” twice before making any judgments in my head. And, after listening, I had a gut feeling yelling to me that Jackson Breit is the one.
While Jackson Breit’s “Straight Shooter” doesn’t exactly fit my typical rap, hip-hop, or EDM style, the passion expressed in his voice is enough to make even the most hardcore drill rap listeners take a moment to change up their music taste. You can feel how much Jackson enjoys producing music through his vocals and talented melodic flow alone.
If you want to give Jackson Breit a listen, consider doing so by using the Spotify link provided below:
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