Written by Lucas "Lukey Lenz" Ballard
I recently watched the film Gatsby. We all know Gatsby— set in the twenties and full of that old time nostalgia that my generation never got to experience. One thing I remember distinctly about this movie was its melancholy soundtrack. Although these characters were affluent and well versed, the atmosphere of the film was meant to show the apathy of the people in the film. Music like that captured this feeling that always resonated with me because it captured a more realistic side of human emotion. Jason “Spicy G” Goldman and Lia Booth replicate the feeling I felt when I first heard that soundtrack.
On their most recent album There’s Only One, this duo created an experience that takes us back to how music felt a century ago. Beautiful symphonies accompanied with great storytelling and chilling vocals. When I close my eyes and experience this album, I feel Vaudeville. On the track Summertime Lia expresses, over a somber instrumental curated by Spicy G, her contempt of people that were fed with a silver spoon saying “There’s a’nothing can can harm you with daddy and mammy standing by.”
Overall, Lia Booth and Spicy G made a special album that holds exceptional instrumentals and illustrious vocal presence. Not only does this album strike me as different, it is impactful for jazz as a genre in recent time.
Check em' Out
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