Kelsey Coockson- Sabotage (Track Review)

Written by Kayla Allen 

They always say you are your own worst enemy. But I mean, we all need a little self sabotage, right? Ladies and gentlemen get ready to rumble, we are watching an intense match between Kelsey and Ms. Coockson and it looks like they are tied. It may be possible that certain forms of self sabotage help with self reflection and even though it’s not the best way to get there, Kelsey Coockson is determined to maneuver through her own mistakes.”If I could only say what’s on my mind, I wouldn’t have to fight you all the time...” It’s clear that whatever relationship Kelsey wants to explore here builds up a bit of angst and hinders her ability to be truly open. 

‘Sabotage’ starts off with a beautiful stack of harmonies that is sure to catch your ear and a classic pop beat that makes you feel young again! My favorite element of this song is the playfulness of the instrumentation, along with her flow, it really creates a picture for you! Kelsey actually has a visual to her single ‘Sabotage’ on YouTube that is risky and refreshing. Add this song to your favorite playlist as a reminder to never play yourself! 

Check it out:

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