Reported by Imani Wj Wright
“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.” – Roy T. Bennet, The Light in The Heart
I’m someone who has been in the business of art and entertainment since I was around 7 years old. Through my nearly 20 years in the business, I’ve been able to see varying types of people and personality types. I’m not referring to talent or skill just yet, there’s a ton of that everywhere, but what I’ve always found to be the most delightful of all personalities were people who held immense talent, along with a heavy dose of humility. The personification of the aforementioned lies deeply in author and poet Kewayne Wadley.SwanoDown had a chance to speak with Wadley recently and got some insight into his creative process and influences.
When you’re in conversation with Wadley, it doesn’t take long to realize you’re talking to not only an intelligent person, but someone who is thinking and intently listening as you communicate. His sense of dialogue and thought provoking verbiage shines brightly in his literary work. Wadley’s piece, Peach Cobbler, is a masterclass in what it is to be vivid, vulnerable, and expressive. While diving into the piece, there are moments where not only can you visualize, but you can even smell the aroma of this entendre-filled writing.
Here is an excerpt from Peach Cobbler:
It’s easy to forget about
The hurt until you come
Face to face with it.
Sour peaches aren’t the end
Of the world.
No matter how we layer it.
These are the things we’ve
Come to love about each other.
Even the hurt becomes mixed
In a sugar glaze with enough time.
No matter how bitter.
The brown of my skin
Mixed with yours.
A recipe that’s been done
And passed down before our time.
No matter how much of a mess
We think that things are,
No matter how bruised a peach
SwanoDown asked the poet about his writing process. “I like to start by visualizing either the theme or subject matter. I spend a lot of time reflecting or getting lost in my thoughts. Whether they’re situations that I’ve been in or thinking about if things have gone a different route… Man, it can get deep,” Wadley explained with a smile.
“Sometimes I jot down something random and walk away and come back to it. When I used to draw, one of my favorite art teachers was big on drawing your lines off the page. She’d always say ‘Just because you’re able to fit everything in the picture in the center of the page, it doesn’t mean that the picture is perfect. It lacks character.’ I try to get into a flow to where my thoughts are free and pretend like I am talking to a friend that I haven’t talked to in a long time,” Wadley exclaimed.
Connect with Kewayne Wadley Here
Kewayne you are truly amazing. You’ve done so well & we know you will continue to do much more. It’s so wonderful to see how you’ve positively inspired and impressed other people with your genius talent. Good job babe 💙
Hello Son,
Words cannot express how proud of you that I am. You are such a a talented young man and I am so proud to call you My Son. Congratulations on your accomplishments and keep up the good work!!
Love You Much,
As KeWayne’s Grandmotbher I can truly say he exhibited his love for poetry at an early age. We use to sit around my kitchen table and do homework and draw pictures and believe me he’s as great of an artist as he is a poet. He started out doing rhyming poetry. I would give him words that rhyme and he would write good little poems at the age of nine years old. He’s an old soul and brilliant to no end. He is “My Poet”
Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!! 🙏🏽😍❤️
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