Miranda Glory- Comeback Queen (Track Review)

Written by Parys Wyatt

I have a fun fact for you. Did you know that 100% of people who read this article are bad as hell for no reason? How do I know? Well you’re here, aren’t you? Even if you’re not feeling like the catch that you are, the stats have already been finalized.  And regardless of whether or not you are aware of this information, Miranda Glory’s Comeback Queen will help you remember that you are, in fact, unrivaled. Energetic and confidence-restoring, Comeback Queen serves as Miranda Glory’s reminder that she is highly aware of how addictive her energy is, and if you ruin your first chance with her, it’s over for you. 

This song not only helps the listener understand that Miranda Glory is top two and not two, but it also shares the wealth of knowing that feeling –– that you are THAT and everyone who failed to realize it is probably still kicking themselves for being so foolish.  The slow and tempered first verse builds up a tension that allows for the refrain to come through in a way that gives you a chill. She says, “Call me the comeback queen/Cuz they always come back to me.” This is one of those moments when I wish I could insert a GIF or an emoji in this article. I’m not gonna lie, sis had me revising my block list to make sure no one was overlooked. I feel like this piece is appropriate whether you need to get your hot girl energy or not. Do yourself a favor and get some of this infectious vibe through the link below! 


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