Written by Miles Monroe II
Vice City is the perfect song if you need an intro just as you’re walking into the club. NYNE sets the tone with this song from off his debut project, Season One. Vice lives in the world that’s built on raging emotions and heartbreak. The type that stings as bad as catching your best friend with your bride to be. There is a pulsating energy that presents itself with each turn of the chorus. We can’t just give out something, such as love, for free; that needs to be earned. I don’t care about how pretty a female is and how sweet she talks, you’ve got to earn it because the ones before you– made it that much harder.
I really enjoyed the vibe of this song, it gives you such an adrenaline rush. The type of feeling that you would get when you’re doing something death defying. If it can do that when you are sober, I can only imagine how hard this song would hit if you were hammered. Vice is not a fist pumping song, but the pop elements create a balance to make it a club-ready experience. I highly recommend checking out Vice City along with NYNE's new project, Season One.
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