Written by Miles Monroe II
Domestic abuse is nothing to play around with because it can damage you physically and emotionally. Paige Warner speaks from the physically abused perspective and into their psyche. Liquor , Paige’s newest single, is a song that feels very personal for the artist with this type of subject matter. Domestic abuse in relationships are prevalent in society, sometimes it does get covered up due to the fact that people who are abused are afraid to talk about it. There could be ramifications if these incidents were to be spread like a wildfire in California. Not only does it cover the physical abuse side of relationships, but the emotional and mental side of abuse. You can break a person down to their knees with the amount of negative comments or having an alpha dog mentality towards your partner.
I thought that was love
From the outside I was alright
Who Would have known
You were burning my home
Her lyrics were so realistic and spoke to the abuse of alcohol and other forms of drugs used to numb pain. Hurt people seriously hurt people. Not only can they hurt people, they can do themselves harm as well by indulging in liquor and other narcotics. Paige Warner crafted a much need piece of art that can be helpful for people in these toxic situations.
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