Peter Fenn- Cadillac Dreams (Track Review)

Written by Kayla Allen 

When creating music, it takes true talent to warm the listener’s ear.

Peter Fenn has brought the sunset to ease our angst with his single “Cadillac Dreams.” Initially, the acoustic guitar and mellow vocals created a classic direction. Shortly after that comes in the drums and smooth harmonies that add a seventies pop sound. Peter uses an enervated vocal to convey his journey and curiosity of life. “Wondering where I’ll be when I’m 75, will I even make it till' then? When I look back, I wonder if I will be proud...” Those lyrics express how he ponders so many ideas of what his life will be, something everyone can easily relate with.

Cadillac Dreams is actually the title of the EP and single from Peter Fenn. He has a familiar, feel good sound with different elements from several genres including alternative, pop, and r&b– to name a few.

His songwriting and choice of sound displays how versatile Peter truly is. We highly recommend checking out his single as well as his EP Cadillac Dreams for classic mellow tunes to get you through your moods.

This single would be perfect for night time playlists, a group bonfire, long car rides or intimate events.

Take a Listen:

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