Reported by Jeffrey Wright
Julia Murphy is the Director of Marine Engineering, Canadian Coast Guard. As the Director of ME, Director Murphy’s responsibilities are to sub-delegate technical authority for all in-service engineering, lifecycle management and vessel class management. She also leads the development and maintenance of ME National Standards and procedures. Additionally, she undertakes the conceptual, preliminary and detailed design, procurement, systems development and management of technical projects, which are required to transform Fleet’s statements of operational requirements into affordable and cost-effective solutions.
Julia Murphy’s high accomplishments in Marine Engineering, serve as points of inspiration and possibility to women throughout the globe.
As we can clearly see, Julia Murphy has a gamut of high degrees of responsibility and ingenuity as the Director of Marine Engineering for the Canadian Coast Guard. With a plethora of talents and skills, many may wonder- what brought Julia Murphy to the maritime field and what advice would she offer to those who are interested in entering the field?
She responded to those questions with a keen personal perspective:
"I chose the maritime field and specifically Marine Engineering, as it was an opportunity to receive a university education through the Canadian Coast Guard College, sail aboard vessels and be involved in the Marine Engineering Field."
Murphy followed with the advice that she would give to young seafarers in the industry, She stated:
‘My advice to other young seafarers in the industry is to be persistent, ask lots of questions, step up and go above and beyond.’ As a final point of advice, she asserts, ‘put your heart into what you do.’
As Murphy serves as a motivator and pioneer in Marine Engineering for the Canadian Coast Guard, it appears that the parameters and opportunities that she describes would enthuse other individuals, and particularly women, to consider joining the field.
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