Curated by Imani Wj Wright
Here at SwanoDown, we listen to a ton of music on a DAILY basis. And during these days, of course, there are standout tracks. Below you'll find the 10 compositions we feel you should check out tonight, (or soon). We find these artists to be the most cutting-edge. And oh yeah, this is in no particular order... You decide!
Compositionally elevated songs by artists like Matti Charlton, lunath, and yerba mates, are all featured today.
Magnetic Vines- Snake River Blues

This piece makes me visualize a 1920s or 1930s pianist sitting at a piano by himself, midday in an empty club. No one is around, just he and his keys. Tranquility and self assuring peace fills up your speakers while listening to "Snake River Blues".
Baraka- I Don't Need To Tell You That It's Over

The melodies are beyond smooth and comforting here. Though, outside of the actual melody and pitch of this record, the engineering plays a major role in the listening experience. A vibrating sensation within the track creates a warm and comforting space.
Johnboybeats & Plon B.- Lofi Leaves

Johnboy and Plon B on one track together? Are you kidding me? What else could you expect beside a sheer production masterclass? The soundscape on Lofi Leaves is gentle, sultry, and has just the right amount of "knock" for your head to start moving. Stank face in full effect, this joint is nasty...
Luis Paul- Miracles

When we hear of miracles or see them depicted, sometimes they can be portrayed in the light of demonstrative excitement, and maybe rightfully so. However, there are other times leading up to the miracle, or following the miracle that call for reflection and appreciation. Luis Paul constructs those ponderous moments with this composition.
lunath- waiting for your letter

Yearning and patience. Those two words can be productive and positive when they stand alone. Though, when you mix the two, there are unbearable feelings that can arise. Let lunath ease your tedious wait.
Abbacaxi- The Pageant

The next time I'm on a cruise getting ready for my day, before I leave my cabin, I'm playing this record. This has all the thump and melodic energy that's needed to get your vacation on the right start.
yerba mates- Bianco

This is as cool as cool gets. The ease and freedom expressed here is one that many of us seek. The duo unleashes some ultra-funky stuff and we enjoy every moment of it here. Even the intro takes its time before diving into the depth of it all.
Itona- Night Cap

Don't think too much while listening to "Night Cap". That may be where you lose its true touch. I recommend giving your mind a break, and letting Itona carry you to a sonic space of bliss.
Sammy Porter x Karen Harding- Celebrate

I've been finding myself fist pumping and working out to this track recently. I need to turn this on with a group of friends some time in the future, I have a feeling this will get the party rocking!
Matti Charlton- Falling Stars

Technique, tonal color, and compassion. With every pressing of the keys, Matti Charlton embodies the aforementioned while on the piano- and this is immensely evident on "Falling Stars".
Magnetic Vines- Snake River Blues

This piece makes me visualize a 1920s or 1930s pianist sitting at a piano by himself, midday in an empty club. No one is around, just he and his keys. Tranquility and self assuring peace fills up your speakers while listening to "Snake River Blues".
Baraka- I Don't Need To Tell You That It's Over

The melodies are beyond smooth and comforting here. Though, outside of the actual melody and pitch of this record, the engineering plays a major role in the listening experience. A vibrating sensation within the track creates a warm and comforting space.
Johnboybeats & Plon B.- Lofi Leaves

Johnboy and Plon B on one track together? Are you kidding me? What else could you expect beside a sheer production masterclass? The soundscape on Lofi Leaves is gentle, sultry, and has just the right amount of "knock" for your head to start moving. Stank face in full effect, this joint is nasty...
Luis Paul- Miracles

When we hear of miracles or see them depicted, sometimes they can be portrayed in the light of demonstrative excitement, and maybe rightfully so. However, there are other times leading up to the miracle, or following the miracle that call for reflection and appreciation. Luis Paul constructs those ponderous moments with this composition.
lunath- waiting for your letter

Yearning and patience. Those two words can be productive and positive when they stand alone. Though, when you mix the two, there are unbearable feelings that can arise. Let lunath ease your tedious wait.
Abbacaxi- The Pageant

The next time I'm on a cruise getting ready for my day, before I leave my cabin, I'm playing this record. This has all the thump and melodic energy that's needed to get your vacation on the right start.
yerba mates- Bianco

This is as cool as cool gets. The ease and freedom expressed here is one that many of us seek. The duo unleashes some ultra-funky stuff and we enjoy every moment of it here. Even the intro takes its time before diving into the depth of it all.
Itona- Night Cap

Don't think too much while listening to "Night Cap". That may be where you lose its true touch. I recommend giving your mind a break, and letting Itona carry you to a sonic space of bliss.
Sammy Porter x Karen Harding- Celebrate

I've been finding myself fist pumping and working out to this track recently. I need to turn this on with a group of friends some time in the future, I have a feeling this will get the party rocking!
Matti Charlton- Falling Stars

Technique, tonal color, and compassion. With every pressing of the keys, Matti Charlton embodies the aforementioned while on the piano- and this is immensely evident on "Falling Stars".
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