Curated by Grayson Jones
Here at SwanoDown, we listen to a ton of music on a DAILY basis. And during these days, of course, there are standout tracks. Below you'll find the 10 compositions we feel you should check out tonight (or soon). We find these artists to be the most cutting-edge. And oh yeah, this is in no particular order... You decide!
Compositionally gifted artists such as Eden Rain, POWERNAP, and Alta Falls, are all featured today.
Hugh klein- Lead the Way

Another addition to your library to unwind. The rhythm & bass have a flanger effect here that reminds me of that moment you get on the freeway with the back windows rolled down. This is a great segue song for any mellow playlist.
Marlon McClain- Mac and cheese (Remix) (feat.Jimi hazel)
Hugh klein- Lead the Way

Another addition to your library to unwind. The rhythm & bass have a flanger effect here that reminds me of that moment you get on the freeway with the back windows rolled down. This is a great segue song for any mellow playlist.
Marlon McClain- Mac and cheese (Remix) (feat.Jimi hazel)

Remember The 95 Pontiac Grand Prix’s with two-tone interiors? What about Tamagotchis and Starter Jackets? New school funk and 90s funk have one thing in common- it's a feeling! Marlon McClain gave Jimi Hazel a turn to express their love for this Golden Era in music, specifically Soul/Funk with an exhilarating 2 minute solo.
Silver Sakura- A Final Primal

Music for manifesting! A Final Primal does for us what a “Final Boss” Battle should do to any reader of literature. It’s the hype- the expectation for something greater than what has already come. Silver Sakura reaches a standard for triumphant tunes.
Eden Rain- Crumb

Eden Rain breaks out the rimshot drum pocket to speak on a learning experience in her life. To take a loaf but give crumbs is a metaphor that can be explained by understanding that a relationship should take two. When one’s heart isn’t in it, they will not put in genuine effort.
Patrick Usher- A Final Primal

The phrase "An bhfaca tú mo Sheamuisín?" is a common refrain in a traditional Irish song called "Mo Ghile Mear" ("My Gallant Darling" in English). This song was written by a woman who longs for their husband who went off into war. The piece has been interpreted for ages and has developed into a form of respect to the artistry, musicianship, and sovereignty from Great Britain.
Jewelia Plays The Piano- Raindrops on a lake

The unvarying left hand of Jewelia lays a pallet for them to draw real long chords from the keys. Rain drops on a lake may very well capture what it’s like to watch something as still as a lake be protruded gracefully by notes as gentle as a raindrop.
Alta Falls- Tried To Forget About

Spectacular songwriting, similar to a track from the Beatles. Great contrast by lyrically lamenting a (what would be) a rich and happy feeling- instrumentally. Alta aims at our hypocrisies as a society through his minor melodic tones and metaphors. You’ll get a huge boost of energy from this rock solid intro.
Oh Sarah Beats- Life of the Party

A Splurge or early Tay- K type of beat whips this song into shape. Lyrically, each artist covered a unique perspective of being the Life of the Party, one as the supplier for “refreshments.” The female artist puts her foot down as the prettiest one in the building for the second verse.
Audrie Powell- Herself

Cloud Trap that Coi Leray would try- but not quite do it like Audrie Powell. The twist comes as soon as she gets you in sync. Audrie throws it in double time and really skates for us on this classic AP single.
POWERNAP- 3 pm Blues

Mainly used as a cocktail set, the drums here are to be played with a swagger. The snare drum only plays on the 3rd and just before the 3rd, giving the feel for the song's more transient qualities. When getting into the solos, enjoy the brass runs!
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