Ghost Coach- Chance
"Come a long way from home. Still a long way to go." - Ghost Coach
David Barber- Some Dream
"And everything seemed just find. The type of magic nobody could undo." - David Barber
Yna- unaligned
"And I tried everything to feel anything, but even little things weren't enough." - Yna
Brian Casey the Destroyer- Don the Con
"He's the baddest cat in this rat run town." - Brian Casey the Destroyer
STN-_- x Uncle See'J- Harriet
"The beat is so hospitable, I have to go in." - STN-_-
Ricky Garcia- All I Wanna Do
"Baby, we can go to Paris. We can make out on the terrace." - Ricky Garcia
Brandon Fares- Solo"Someone come put me back together. It's raining, I think I like the weather..." - Brandon Fares
Rocky Collin- Please Don't Save Your Memory
"Please don't save your memory- I need a better day. With better light to show a better side of me..."
WYATT- Me Against You
"Let's go back to your place. We could get spaced. We could get loud. Figure it out- Alright.
Kidavelly- Donald Trump Jr
"I'm a black man, you know I'm getting money."
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