Written by Imani Wj Wright
From the opening seconds of this piece, I couldn’t help but to be drawn to the undeniable energy and passion seeping through my speakers.
Seriously, how the hell could you not jump off your feet listening to this percussion performance? I've had the pleasure of seeing Fleetwood Mac live, and I'll tell you, I think Mr. Fleetwood would be impressed by this display. And if you truly listen to this piece, you'll also get some Talking Heads vibes. I wonder why? Hm. Oh, that's right, Jerry Harrison and Adrian Belew are on this joint! Gives me fond memories of listening to Talking Heads with my Dad. Memories, like, last week. Yes, we're big fans. I can't count how many times he has told the story of he and my uncle meeting David Byrne, and letting him borrow a pen (Byrne never gave it back, amd we hope that pen inspired a song, or helped him write one).
Nonetheless, we don't just receive rambunctious vocals and percussion, we also get some mean guitar here! And I mean it! No pun intended. I can't get enough of this piece! Played it 6 times already, and I came across it 30 minutes ago.
Take a listen:
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