Breaking Benjamin- Awaken

Open the moshpit, get in your feelings, and seep into the emotional rollercoaster that Breaking Benjamin is taking you on. This Metalcore track feels like a plead in its vocals, and an absolute uproar in its instrumentation. If you need to shake your hair while also releasing your deepest sensations, this track is for you. Give it a listen

Open the moshpit, get in your feelings, and seep into the emotional rollercoaster that Breaking Benjamin is taking you on. This Metalcore track feels like a plead in its vocals, and an absolute uproar in its instrumentation. If you need to shake your hair while also releasing your deepest sensations, this track is for you. Give it a listen
Joshua Golden- Price of Love

This piece really gives me butterflies. The kind that stick with you for a little while because they're accompanied with a thoughts of the past- maybe good ones, maybe ones you'd like to forget, but thoughts nonetheless. The acoustic-esque guitar with Golden's voice and storytelling make for a musically guided experience of reflection. Check it out
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