Written by Imani Wj Wright
You know, at times I like to start my articles describing a track with one strong adjective, and I could here- but I won't. Nah. Instead, let me tell you what this song has me doing. I've played this joint at least 3 times today. It feels almost impossible for me to multi-task when this joint is on, it's so encapsulating. After about 20 seconds in, I can't help but to move my shoulders, and get semi-two-step going.
The subtleness of the instrumentation, mixed with the slick and demonstrative style of the melody really gets you going. I'm also a fan of how Smallman doesn't go to great lengths to over sing or try to overly exert his vocal prowess on the song. He's calm, collected and very straightforward. His vocal approach is precisely what this song needed. It's a jam.
Check it out.
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